Choosing the Best Server for Your Small Business: Cloud Hosting or VPS Hosting?

cloud hosting

You had just started a small business. Congratulations! Now, you may have been using social media or e-commerce platforms like Shopee to market and sell your products. If you’re thinking or have decided that it’s time to build an official website for your small business, we’re here to help you take the next step!

Every business is unique and it is essential to have the knowledge to make a wise selection of the ideal server to ensure both current and future performance of your business. We’ve broken down everything you need to think about to choose the right server for your small business!

The Differences between Cloud Hosting and VPS Hosting

  1. Network and server availability

The first and obvious difference between cloud hosting and VPS hosting is that cloud hosting employs multiple physical servers and offers the flexibility to expand resources as required, whereas VPS hosting involves a single dedicated server with limited resources. While the core technology remains the same, the cloud is distributed across a network of data centres, whereas a regular VPS is exclusively hosted within a single data centre.

Current Score: Cloud Hosting 1 – 0 VPS Hosting

  1. Scalability

When it comes to scalability (the capacity of a web hosting solution or infrastructure to manage growing levels of traffic, data and resource requirements without encountering performance degradation or website downtime), cloud hosting is better than VPS hosting in the sense that users can easily add resources on the go due to the nature of the infrastructure. VPS hosting, on the other hand, has very limited scalability in the sense that users have to temporarily take down their website and may need expert assistance in order to add resources. So to speak, in the scalability showdown between cloud hosting and VPS hosting, cloud hosting emerges as the clear winner, enabling instant resource additions, while VPS falls short in this regard.

Current Score: Cloud Hosting 2 – 0 VPS Hosting

  1. Performance and uptime level 

Now, let’s compare the performance between cloud hosting and VPS hosting. Cloud hosting delivers exceptional performance due to its robust server infrastructure. Unlike VPS hosting, cloud hosting doesn’t rely on only one server, and it benefits from an advanced content distribution system that enables lightning-fast data delivery. Not to mention, its impressive scalability options prevent the need for site downtime due to resource limitations, leading to superior uptime statistics. For VPS hosting, a website’s performance can suffer when resources are scarce, as it relies on a single server for its existence. Additionally, if the server experiences downtime, the website will also go offline, as there is no backup to switch to. Hence, cloud hosting wins the performance and uptime battle with VPS hosting.

Current Score: Cloud Hosting 3 – 0 VPS Hosting

  1. Level of security

Furthermore, the security comparison between cloud hosting and VPS hosting is an  intriguing one to see. Cloud hosting distributes data across multiple servers and nodes, potentially leaving the data more exposed when compared to VPS hosting. Nevertheless, we cloud hosting providers employ various security protocols to safeguard the data. Multiple layers of firewall protection and data encryption are in place to ensure robust security. Users also have the option to implement additional security measures to fortify the website’s security. So, it is safe to say that, with these combined measures, cloud hosting can be considered highly secure. 

Meanwhile, VPS hosting is typically considered a secure infrastructure due to the localized data storage, simplifying management. Nonetheless, VPS users should also consider implementing supplementary security measures, like utilizing a Windows VPN, to safeguard their websites against potential cyber threats. 

Thus, both cloud hosting and VPS hosting are equally secure. While cloud servers may have a slight edge in exposure compared to VPS servers, the additional security layers implemented by us cloud providers effectively compensate for the lack, ensuring that both hosting solutions offer a similar level of security.

Current Score: Cloud Hosting 4 – 1 VPS Hosting


To conclude, it’s a 4-1 score between cloud hosting and VPS hosting in the battle of network and server availability, scalability, performance and uptime level, and level of security. 

With that being said, we hope that we can give you a clearer view of which hosting solution is the better suit for your small business! On that note, GB Cloud and GB Network offer powerful cloud hosting and VPS hosting services. Click here to see our attractive plans for VPS hosting and here for GB Cloud plans. We hope that we can help you elevate your small business into a bigger one! Good luck! And if you have decided to subscribe to our hosting services, welcome! WE’re happy to HOST FOR YOU.

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